Studio FAMILY Shoot
Your in studio family photography shoot
Use of studio gowns and styling accessories
professional photography shoot
DIFFERENT setups with multiple poses angle captured
Look your pregnancy photography with OZZ FILM today!
Pregnancy photography (also known as maternity photography) is best done between 30-35 weeks for a singleton pregnancy and between 25-30 weeks pregnant for multiple baby pregnancy. OZZ FILMoffers a choice of in studio or out on location pregnancy photography shoots, designed to be fun, relaxed and memorable.
OZZ FILM offers maternity photography shoots will take place during 30-35 weeks of pregnancy.
When booking your photography shoot appointment, please select the date which is best suited.
If there are no dates which suit your schedule, please contact us as we may be able to accommodate.
PLEASE NOTE: To secure your pregnancy photography a $100 non-refundable booking fee is due on booking check out.
If bank transfer is preferred, please contact us and we will manually process your booking. Your booking is not accepted until the booking deposit has been paid.