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white piano scene


cute cup

pink cup and pink sofa


white bed

cute white bed



cute fake grass and bear

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flower wall

white flower wall

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pink rug

PRICELIST (For Baby/Cake smash)

$ 599 package(newborn or maternity)
(1) 90 minutes unlimited photo shoot
(2) provide 2-3 outfit,2-3 rugs
(3) provide 2 prop (1 large+1 small)

large prop such as large pink coffee cup,flower wall,all types of fake flower,baby bath tub
(4) send all high definition original photos,guarantee 50+ photos or more
(5) choose best 10 photos for basic light adjustment+face body modify
(according to our studio standard,not multiple change)
shooting location can choose from our studio or
melbourne mesuem,carlton garden,fitzory garden,or dockland
can travel with client car to multiple location.time in car not count.

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